Tibia delicatula, Melvill 1881

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Ce Tibia delicatula viendrait de Birmanie d' après le taxon l' accompagnant. Chaluté par 80 m. de fond il serait ''live taken'' ce dont je doute car légèrement ébréché à chaque extrémité. Sa dénomination exact est: Rostellariella delicatula (G. Nevill, 1881) mais il pourrait être: Tibia delicatula nana (Romagna-Manoja, 1977). Répandu d' Aden à Sumatra mais pas trop sur Ebay. Taille: 85 mm.

This Tibia delicatula would come from Burma according to the taxon accompanying him. Trawled by 80 m. deep it would be ''taken'' live which I doubt because slightly chipped at each end. Its exact name is: Rostellariella delicatula (Nevill G., 1881)( Worms) but it could be: Tibia delicatula nana (Manoja-Romagna, 1977). Widespread from Aden to Sumatra but not too much on Ebay. Size: 85 mm.
